What to do if you’re not seeing shooting stars in ACNH

You’ve been trying to collect star frags but your island doesn’t seem to get any meteor showers or shooting stars. What do you do?

Have no fear! With a little bit of patience and keen observation, you’ll be rewarded!

No shooting stars in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons screenshot of character wishing on a shooting star

If you haven’t seen any shooting stars yet, it doesn’t mean you’ll have to wait an age to finally get some star frags.

Whist Isabelle will announce a meteor shower, this event doesn’t necessarily predict or dictate whether there are shooting stars in your skies.

If it’s a relatively clear night on your island, you may have a meteor shower or see some rogue shooting stars.

The only way you’ll know they’re there (other than keeping your character in the same position and tilting your camera up towards the sky) is by turning your switch volume up; whenever there’s a shooting star crossing your island skies, you’ll hear a twinkling noise.

Remember that shooting stars happen in bursts, so if you don’t tilt your screen upwards and wish quick enough on the first star, you’ll likely have more chances on their way.

How long do you have to wait for shooting stars in Animal Crossing?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons screenshot of player smiling underneath a twinkling arch

Some people claim they see shooting stars most nights, some go months without seeing one.

So how long do you have to wait for shooting stars to occur?

Between the hours of 7pm and 4am, wait for any clouds to disappear and turn your volume up to hear the twinkles of stars.

It may take hours, but eventually you should see stars. If you want a helping hand to predict the night you’re most likely to see meteor showers, then MeteoNook is a great resource.

Does Animal Crossing have shooting stars every night?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons screenshot of player wishing upon a star

Although they’re not a daily occurrence, shooting stars are regular enough if you’ve got the patience to wait for them (and you’re a night owl!).

If you’re looking for meteor showers to maximize your star fragment yield, be sure to look out for Celeste and meteor-related conversations from your villagers. These two events signal a strong chance of eventful meteor showers.

Do you get shooting stars when Celeste visits?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons screenshot of player talking to the owl, Celeste


When Celeste visits you should have some manner of meteor shower, whether that’s a couple of shooting stars or practically raining them all night. The issue is they may happen at 3am; whilst you might quit playing thinking there was no yield that night, the shower was still hours away from starting.


Yes, Celeste visiting should mean your island will see a meteor shower at some point between the hours of 7pm and 4am.

It’s also highly likely there will be shooting star bursts throughout the week on days after or prior to Celeste’s visit, seeing as she can only turn up once a week.

Remember: when you see Celeste, don’t forget to talk to her to get astrological or rare DIY recipes!

See more shooting stars and get star frags

You’ve got all the knowledge you need to spot shooting stars and increase your star frag yield now.

If Celeste is on your island then you should see shooting stars between 7pm and 4am, but if you’re playing on a day where she isn’t visiting and the sky is relatively clear, be aware between those hours all the same.

With patience, you’ll be wishing on stars in no time.