How to catch 100 fish in a row in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Want to get that final Cast Master milestone under your belt, but having trouble catching 100 fish in a row? You’re not alone! Let’s dive into the milestone and how to master fishing in Animal Crossing to hit that 100 fish goal. 

What is the Cast Master challenge?

This achievement is obtained after catching certain numbers of fish in a row, with three milestones along the way: 10, 50 & 100 fish consecutively caught. 

Shadows in the water that turn out not to be fish e.g junk, boots, easter eggs, don’t count towards your Cast Master streak. If your streak is sat at 10 and you catch a tyre, your streak will stay at 10.

character in Animal Crossing catching fish by the sea
Catching fish at dusk

What do you get when you catch 100 fish in a row? 

Simple answer: relief – you’ve made it, the challenge is finally OVER.

Unfortunately, the reward for this crazy-hard achievement doesn’t seem up to scratch for most players, considering the time they dedicate to completing it. 

Once you catch 100 fish in a row, you’ll receive the final stamp to complete the Cast Master achievement, as well as 1,000 Nook Miles.

Cast Master card achievement in Animal Crossing
Cast Master achievement milestones

How to catch 100 fish in a row? 

Now, you know what the reward for completing this achievement is, but how can you get there? Well as you might already know, catching fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be STRESSFUL

But there’s a few things you can do to make your fishing sessions a whole lot more consistent (and stress-free) using these tips: 

  1. Sound – When fish bite the bobber, you’ll hear a drip noise; when they take the bait, there’s a splash noise as the bobber is pulled underwater. This is your key! When you hear the splash, give ‘A’ a smash. Some people swear by closing your eyes when fishing, as you’ll solely rely on the sound of the fish’s moves. 
  1. Placement –  You want to cast your line directly (or thereabouts) in front of the fish shadow. If you’re fishing in a river, casting upstream can make the whole process easier as the bobber will float down towards your fish, saving you some work. 
  1. Relax – It might seem obvious, but if you’re tense, you’re more likely to impulsively hit ‘A’ before your fish has taken the bait. Take a breath and let go of the tension, don’t worry. 

If you’re finding that your fish won’t bite the bait, it may be because you’re placed too far away / not in the fish’s direct path. As long as the fish hasn’t noticed the rod’s bobber, you should be fine to retract the net and replace it closer to the fish’s shadow. 

character catching fish in Animal Crossing

Some fish – such as sharks or Blue Marlins – are harder to catch as they require quick reflexes from the moment the bait is taken, so you’ll need to get those fast reactions ready to be successful! 

And if you run out of fish? Use fish bait crafted from manila clams or buy it from Nook’s Cranny. 

Can you get the Cast Master achievement by cheating?

“Cheating” at Animal Crossing doesn’t really exist in the truest sense, but there are definitely workarounds that can make a goal more attainable or quicker to reach. 

If you’re desperate for that third Cast Master achievement: quit the game by hitting the Home button as soon as you lose a fish

The game regularly autosaves, so you should be able to restart relatively close to the point you left from (and restore your streak in the process). But be warned, there’s no guarantee of where you’ll pick up from (unless you pay close attention to when your game is autosaving), so you may lose some crucial progress. 

If you want to get a process in place, you can manually save after catching every 5, 10, or 15 fish (depending on your confidence level). 

Whether you use the workaround or not, grab that bait and get fishing to complete the Cast Master achievement!

Catching 100 fish in a row

Although it’s not the easiest task, catching 100 fish in a row without using workarounds to make the task easier is possible!

We suggest turning the sound on your Nintendo Switch up so you can hear the fish biting the bait, placing your bait directly in the fish’s path, and… relaxing!

Fishing in Animal Crossing can be a calming activity, so take the pressure off of yourself and enjoy the game; with these tips, you’ll catch 100 consecutive fish in no time!